News and Outcomes
This section shows updates and explores the concrete outcomes of the project. We’ll explore the activities and events that took place, examining how they contributed to our overall goal of promoting social understanding, diversity, and professional and personal development for both students and teachers.

We’re on Instagram!
We are happy to announce our very own Instagram...
Prof. Dr. Diane Martinez shares her experiences and ideas about Community Education and Connection in personal and educational contexts.
Balances and IMBALANCES in Community Engagement
Prof. Hill Fletcher discusses critical perspectives on the balances and imbalances of Community Engagement. Current examples and historical backgrounds offer fascinating “voices in between”
Upcoming Summer School
International Summer School: “Community Engagement in Diverse Contexts” | July 9-11, 2024
New Podcast!
In this Education Podcast Christoph Knoblauch interviews international experts form the field of pedagogy and beyond. Their voices discuss diversity issues from different perspectives in between ideas of true and false.
This website was designed in the BWS plus-project “Geographies of Childhood in Teacher Education“. The project is carried out by the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung as part of the Baden-Württemberg-STIPENDIUM programme for university cooperations.